As fotografias de Joana Verdial nos proporcionam o estar diante do momento preciso e precioso que ela viveu e partilhou. Para ela, ter a câmera fotográfica nas mãos é uma forma de aproximar-se das pessoas e de criar uma certa cumplicidade com elas.
Essa exposição reúne fotografias inéditas de sua mais recente viagem ao Peru e a Bolívia; aquelas feitas na Índia onde o sagrado rio Ganges e os costumes do povo daquele país se multiplicam em cores e encantamento e, por último, as fotos do pescador chinês que lança a rede nas águas.
O que se quer mostrar não é um mapa geográfico ou as fronteiras reais, aqui inexistentes, mas a narrativa visual, poética e a força expressiva das imagens criadas pela sensibilidade e pelo olhar pessoal e singular de Joana Verdial.
Traveling and getting to know places, cultures and people is part of the essence of Joana Verdial.
Her prying and attentive eyes capture the gestures, the human and cultural expressions, and the soft, or powerful contour of nature, the moment, and much more.
The photography possesses within itself the extraordinary ability to freeze time and space, eternalizing fleeting images, and not only that, it also captures what is not visible before the lens, the emotion of the one who created them. Many of these images would be invisible if it were not for the sensitive eyes of the artist.
Joana Verdial´s photographs give us the presence of the precise and precious moment that she lived and shared. For her, having a camera in her hands is a way to reach people and create a certain closeness with them.
This exhibition gathers unpublished photos of her most recent trip to Peru and Bolivia; those taken in India where the sacred Ganges river and the customs of the people of that country multiply in colours and enchantment; and lastly, photos of a Chinese fisherman who launches nets into water.
What this exhibit wants to show is not a geographical map or real borders, nonexistent here, but a visual, poetic narrative and an expressive force of the images created by the sensible, personal and singular outlook of Joana Verdial.
Lisbon | Portugal
04 de Abril a 16 de Abril de 2019
April 4 | April 16 2019